Priyaniki Recipe

A Russian Christmas cookie. Easy to make, tastes like Christmas and something different to bake this year.

The Ultimate DIY Eye Elixir

If your eyes are the window to your soul then hopeful you have some pretty darn beautiful eyes. For various reasons however, including but not limited to sun damage, dry skin, aging, health and genetics, our eyes may need a little extra help to maintain a youthful appearance. While eye creams and serums may sound…

Keep Your Curls Sexy: 5 Curly Hair Must-Haves

If you have curly hair there are some basic essentials that are non-negotiable. Curly hair is quite needy and you will learn fast that it’s better to keep your hair happy than deal with knots, tangles breakage and frizz. These must-haves will detangle your hair, and keep it moisturized and healthy: 1. A Conditioner That…